Baby Bottom Balm

I shared this on social media recently and had so many questions and comments I felt in needed a home on here permanently.

I made this up for Elise who after transitioning to more solid foods has had her first episode of nappy rash.

Many nappy rash and balms on the market today are full of Parrafin wax (a petroleum derivative), synthetic fragrance (full of parabens and phthalates) and and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) which is assumed carcinogenic based on studies in experimental animals.

Just even looking at the numerous ingredients and numbers in most heavily promoted nappy and barrier creams, makes me cringe.It's so easy to make your own and control every single ingredient. You do NOT have to compromise on effectiveness either. Using pure essential oils (with ZERO synthetic nasties and hidden ingredients) and a few simple ingredients you can make the most lovely balm that applies well and works a treat.


  • 100ml glass jar

  • 2 Tbsp organic shea butter

  • 2 Tbsp organic coconut oil

  • 1 tsp beaswax or candelila wax

  • 2 tsp zinc oxide powder

  • 2 drops Frankincense

  • 2 drops Lavender

  • 2 drops Manuka oil (optional), can use Tea Tree if you don't have Manuka


  1. Place first three ingredients in a small glass bowl inside a pot with hot water around it (ie. form a double boiler) and slowly melt, stiring frequently.

  2. Remove from the heat and stir through oil and zinc oxide.

  3. Pour into glass jar and place in the fridge until it's hardened.


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