Bath Bombs

Christmas is coming and I'm pretty passionate about do low-tox gift giving.

We're trying as a family to not buy STUFF for the sake of it, purchasing gifts from small businesses where we can and when we do, choosing presents that will last (not get binned or break in 2 weeks!) and are made sustainably.

For my almost 3yo, some examples are a Lofty Kite (kites are made from super-tough, recycled ripstop fabric and a gorgeous wooden handles), beautiful wooden flower press from The Waste Free Home and a gorgeous Fairy Dough Set from eco play boutique A Little Wild.

In addition to mindful purchasing, we're also making a lot of our gifts to give this year. Not only is it fun, and a process I can often include my daughter in, they're thoughtful, economical & always well received. I don't know about you, but when ever I'm given a homemade gift, whether it's fresh granola, Christmas fudge or some whipped body butter, I see the care and effort that's gone into it a lot more than a store bought box of chocolates or token bath soap (unless of course it's Loving Earth Chocolate or Ethique Soap! haha).

Recently Hope and I made these bath bombs for gifts and it was so simple anyone could do it and be successful! They have the most awesome 'fizz' when dropped in the bath and they use all natural ingredients with zero synthetic fragrances. The addition of the Lavender Peace Essential Oil will have some lovely calming and relaxing effect on anyone using it.

These are completely safe for kids too and Hope LOVES to watch it fizz and bubble.

All you need is a silicone mould (any shape!) and some basic ingredients.


  • 1 cup Citric Acid

  • 1 cup Baking Soda

  • 1/2 cup Cornflour

  • 1/2 cup Fractionated Coconut Oil or Sweet Almond Oil

  • 8-10 drops doTERRA Lavender Peace Essential Oil

  • mini rose petals (I use loose leaf rose tea)


  1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.

  2. Place some rose petals on the bottom of the silicone mini muffin tray the spoon your mixture into the tray.

  3. Press down very firmly, packing the bath bomb mix in very firmly and smoothing the top.

  4. Let sit for 24 hours before popping the bombs out and storing in a glass jar or gifting away.


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