Bentonite Clay Face Mask

I've been working through a DIY Christmas Present series on Instagram and Facebook and thought I'd share this killer recipe on my website for those of you who would like to make it too.

I mean who wouldn't like a gorgeous non-tox mask to encourage some self-care this sill season?

Let's talk about some deeper benefits.

Bentonite clay: has been used for thousands of years to remove impurities on the skin. It is believed to work by pulling toxins, chemicals, and even heavy metals from the skin. The clay also helps provide oxygen to cells and has an alkalizing effect. Bentonite clay is rich in beneficial minerals such as: iron, magnesium, silica, and calcium. Bentonite clay's adsorbent power may be helpful in treating acne breakouts and oily skin. The clay can help remove sebum, or oil, from the skin's surface, and it may also have a calming effect on inflamed breakouts. When mixed together with healing and antibacterial ingredients, the clay creates a mask that can safely and effectively be used for maintaining healthy skin.

Oats: contains anti-inflammatory properties and saponins, a cleansing agent, making oats perfect for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

Tea Tree Essential Oil: Known for its antiseptic properties, tea tree essential oil has been used for everything from treating acne to dandruff.

Lavender Essential Oil: Known for it's soothing effect on skin, it can reduce inflammation and lessen redness and irritation. Full of antioxidants, Lavender can help fight free radicals (one of the reasons we get wrinkles!). 


  • 3 TB bentonite clay (I get mine from Dirty Hippy online)

  • 1/4 cup distilled water (Clean tap water is fine for short-term use. Use distilled or boiled and cooled water for long-term use to prevent bacterial growth.)

  • 3 TB oat flour or ground oats

  • 2 drops doTERRA Tea Tree Essential oil (BUY HERE)

  • 2 drops doTERRA Lavender essential oil (BUY HERE)


  1. Combine the bentonite clay and oats in a small bowl. Add in enough water to make a spreadable paste (I used approx 1/4 cup, but start slowly and keep adding until it reaches the desired consistency).

  2. Add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil and 2 of Lavender essential oil and stir.

  3. Apply to the face for 7-8 minutes. To remove the mask, wash your face with warm water and a washcloth.

*Note: To grind oats, place the desired amount of oats in a spice grinder, blender, or food processor. Pulse oats until coarse and flour-like.


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