Moisturising Massage Bars

Hubby was complaining about some back and shoulder pain the other night after digging holes to plant some fruit trees in the garden. I'll often give him a massage with some Ice Blue oil (amazing for muscle and joint pain/inflammation, think nontoxic Deep Heat), but the idea occurred to make up some massage bars to have on hand for these such occasions.

They were so easy and pretty, I'm thinking I might whip up a batch for Christmas presents too!I learned that the trick to the perfect consistency of a massage bar was: one part hard oil (a butter), one part liquid oil and one part beeswax. It's that simple!

This makes them super adaptable to what you have on hand. Don't have cacao butter, no problem, use shea butter. No macadamia oil, no worries, use fractionated coconut oil, jojoba or almond oil.   Not only is the base recipe adaptable, but you can also change up the oils you add based on what you effect you want to achieve. Want a calming massage, use Lavender.

After an Invigorating vibe? Try peppermint? How about an intimate, get in the mood vibe? Try Passion oil!After trying these out, I've decided that these are also perfect as a general moisturising bar for legs this summer (not just massage!). A few strokes up and down your legs and you've got super happy and hydrated skin in a flash.

I decided to incorporate Geranium essential oil to this recipe as it's known to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, fatigue, and tension but it is also reputed to contribute to the health of the skin cells, by effectively eliminating dead cells and to promote the regeneration of newer, healthier skin. It helps tighten the skin and to diminish the appearance of the symptoms of aging, such as sagging and wrinkling skin!
Vitamin E oil is another optional extra but just makes these an extra bit luxurious. Great for it's anti-aging and moisturising benefits, it can also help with flaky and itchy skin as well as minimising the appearance of scars.

Anyway, on to the actual recipe and how to! 

Makes: 8 small bars

Time: 5 minutes to make, 1-hour refrigeration


  • 1/2 cup organic beeswax

  • 1/2 cup macadamia oil (almond oil, apricot kernel oil or jojoba oil)

  • 1/2 cup cacao butter (or shea butter)

  • 1/2 tsp of Vit E oil (optional)

  • 20 drops doTERRA Lavender essential oil

  • 10 drops doTERRA Citrus Bliss essential oil (or other citrus oil, eg. Wild Orange, Tangerine, Green Mandarin etc)

  • 5 drops doTERRA Geranium essential oil

  • dried lavender flowers or rose petals


  1. Heat a pot with 1-2 inches of water and bring to the boil.

  2. In a glass jar or bowl, add oils and beeswax.

  3. Place glass jar inside the pot of water (making a double boiler) and heat the oils and wax until fully dissolved and combined.

  4. Take off the heat and allow to cool for 3-4 minutes.

  5. Add the Vit E oil and essential oils and mix.

  6. Place some flower decorations on the bottom of your silicone mould, then slowly spoon the warm mix into the mould.

  7. Transfer to the fridge for an hour to harden.

You can then remove the bars and place in a storage container or bag to use when you need.

*Other awesome oil combinations would be Peppermint and Wild Orange for a super invigorating massage, Ice Blue for a post-workout massage that will soothe muscles, Lavender Peace oil in lesser quantities if using as a sleep massage with babies (I'd say to do 5-6 drops instead of 20).


Bentonite Clay Face Mask


My daily rituals and living a life by design